Blog Acrhive
Looking for something specific? Well, you may have come to the rig…*ugh* somewhere near the right place. You can browse through 135 posts I’ve made here on my website sorted from newest to oldest. Click on the month to expand the posts for that month.   i

Alternatively, here’s a quick overview of the subjects I most enjoy discussing. This will provide you with a general sense of the topics I often write about.

Harsh Truth

Don't be a puppet in the hands of the wrong person, dancing to their manipulative strings. Cut the cords.

Latest Comments
There are 2,573 valuable comments on my blog so far. Many thanks!
  • Apart Cy: Ohhh daming kinakabahan dito lalo yung dito sila kumikita [...]
  • OnlyPrints: The roller coaster of emotions around this TikTok shutdown [...]
  • Kat: it is but the algorithm seems off even for me who's just a [...]
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Harsh Truth

Loving the wrong person is like trying to build a home on shifting sands. Eventually, the walls will crumble.

Latest Comments
There are 2,573 valuable comments on my blog so far. Many thanks!
  • Apart Cy: Ohhh daming kinakabahan dito lalo yung dito sila kumikita [...]
  • OnlyPrints: The roller coaster of emotions around this TikTok shutdown [...]
  • Kat: it is but the algorithm seems off even for me who's just a [...]
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