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Harsh Truth

Fake friends will drown you in flattery, hoping to keep you blind to their ulterior motives.

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Easily Improve WordPress Functionality with Code Snippets Plugin

Simple, easy workflow is key to regularly updating your site, as well as improving a site visitor’s experience. If you’re familiar with JavaScript or PHP and want to add it to your WordPress blog, you may need a tool to help you out. Luckily, Code Snippets Plugin is available as a simple way to run and create short codes for WordPress.

What are its features, and is it worth installing on your site? Read on to find out if this plugin will help you customize your WordPress blog with ease!

What Are Code Snippets?

Code snippets are actions that you can run which are placed under your WordPress theme’s functions.php file. These are made up of PHP code and can extend your WordPress site’s functionality, as it’s basically a mini-plugin that reduces your site’s load.

Typically, snippet code is added directly to that functions.php file. However, one of the biggest issues with running codes on a site is having to edit long lines of text. The more things you want to happen on a page, the more you’ll have to customize it and change it.

A Dedicated Plugin To Manage And Create Shortcodes For WordPress

The more you mess with that code, then the higher the chances that you’ll make a mistake somewhere and render the entire page non-functional. Worse, because there’s so much code to sift through, you’ll have a hard time identifying where you made the mistake. Because of this, many users had to download several plugins that increased site load. Otherwise, they’d have to roll back their site to check for incompatibility.

A Dedicated Plugin To Manage And Create Shortcodes For WordPress

Instead of having multiple, bulky custom plugins, the Code Snippets Plugin separates all functions into neat, short codes. Each of these short code snippets handles a single task, so it runs more smoothly and is easier to manage. This makes it easy to remove or make custom changes as well, without running the risk of making the entire site page non-functional.

Code Snippets provides a GUI interface where you can add snippets and run them as if they were in your functions.php file. This graphic interface makes it a snap to handle your snippets, as well as activate and deactivate them. The simple, clean editor provides fields for a name, tags for categorizing snippets, and a visual editor-enabled description.

Do Small, Useful Things Without Multiple Installations

You can even export snippets to transfer to another site, so you can run exactly the same codes elsewhere. These can be exported in JSON or in PHP – handy if you plan to create a custom plugin or theme.

Do Small, Useful Things Without Multiple Installations

Code Snippets is a simple, free, and useful plugin that makes it a breeze to change up small things for site functionality.

Remove that header bar, remove WordPress version numbers, then customize your footer. These little things make your site look sleeker and run faster, creating an enjoyable scrolling experience for your site visitors. Try the free version out and see how smoothly it will run code for you! There’s also a Pro version coming soon for more premium features.

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Harsh Truth

Falling for someone's potential keeps you trapped in a web of illusion. Wake up to the reality that you can't mend what's fundamentally broken.

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There are 2,615 valuable comments on my blog so far. Many thanks!
  • Renata Feyen: I am not a fan of things always changing so constantly. I [...]
  • Yeah Lifestyle: Thank you for sharing, as I was wondering why my feed is [...]
  • AJ: I didn't even notice a change, unless mine hasn't updated [...]
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Harsh Truth

Loving the wrong person is like watering a dead plant, hoping it will bloom. Wake up before your heart becomes a graveyard of wilted emotions.

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There are 2,615 valuable comments on my blog so far. Many thanks!
  • Renata Feyen: I am not a fan of things always changing so constantly. I [...]
  • Yeah Lifestyle: Thank you for sharing, as I was wondering why my feed is [...]
  • AJ: I didn't even notice a change, unless mine hasn't updated [...]



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