
Jotted Thoughts is all about my personal musings and rambles, a place to jot down my thoughts and emotions as I navigate life and reflect on my experiences.

Jotted Thoughts
Navigating Soulful Bliss: My 2024 Goals · Kat&Beyond

Navigating Soulful Bliss: My 2024 Goals

In the whirlwind of January 8, 2024, I find myself on a mission to untangle the remnants of 2023’s chaos. No grand resolutions or intricate

Embracing Downtime: Life's Pause Button · Kat&Beyond

Embracing Downtime: Life’s Pause Button

Life is an unpredictable journey, filled with moments of excitement, accomplishment, and joy, but also with unexpected pauses that challenge our plans and patience. Recently,

Juggling Act: My Blogging Hiatus · Kat&Beyond

Juggling Act: My Blogging Hiatus

As I sit here, typing away at my keyboard at 3:30am (i couldn’t sleep!), I realize that its been more than a month since my

Harsh Truth

Loving the wrong person is like trying to catch a falling star—you'll only end up burned.

Latest Comments
There are 2,369 valuable comments on my blog so far. Many thanks!
  • Jenny: Earning a passive income is a great goal to have, hopefully [...]
  • Archana: That's great news that you are doing well with your passive [...]
  • Marysa: Good for you finding success. I can relate to all the work [...]
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Harsh Truth

Loving the wrong person is like trying to find sunlight in a perpetual eclipse.

Latest Comments
There are 2,369 valuable comments on my blog so far. Many thanks!
  • Jenny: Earning a passive income is a great goal to have, hopefully [...]
  • Archana: That's great news that you are doing well with your passive [...]
  • Marysa: Good for you finding success. I can relate to all the work [...]
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