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Beware of fake friends who smile when they hurt you, then blame you for not having a sense of humor.

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MATAM-IH: Diving into Kapampangan Culinary Treasures · Kat&Beyond

Hey there, fellow food enthusiasts and curious minds! Today, I’m thrilled to share my personal culinary escapade – a journey through the flavors of MATAM-IH Clark. If you’re someone who relishes authentic Kapampangan dishes or simply loves exploring new taste horizons, then you’re in for a treat with this review.

Me and my friends rolled up our sleeves, ready to indulge in the finest offerings at MATAM-IH Clark, Pampanga. From the hearty Sinigang na Baboy to the comforting Pochero, the intriguing Chicken & Gizzard Barbecue, the classic Turon, and a delightful finale with the iconic Halo-halo – I left no plate unexplored. So, come along as I take you on a flavorful ride, uncovering every delicious detail of my visit to this one-of-a-kind dining haven.

Generous Portions & Hearty Cuts

Let’s dive into our experience with their dishes. First off, the portion sizes were seriously generous, and the cuts of meat were impressively substantial – no skimping here. The Sinigang had a really delightful taste, though we did notice a touch of oiliness that caught our attention.

MATAM-IH Clark, Pampanga: Sinigang

The Pork Pochero definitely packed a flavorful punch. The pork came in large cuts, which were pretty good quality-wise, although they did have a bit more fat than I would have preferred. It’s worth noting that this version was a bit sweeter compared to the previous ones I’ve tasted before.

MATAM-IH Clark, Pampanga: Pochero

Surprises in Serving Sizes

Now, let’s shift our focus to their serving sizes – and let me tell you, they completely caught us off guard in the most delightful way. I’m not kidding, it was an absolute value for the money, and there was certainly no sense of feeling like we didn’t get our money’s worth.


When it comes to their menu prices, they’re actually quite reasonable. Considering the generous portions they offer, it’s safe to say that you’re getting your money’s worth

Exploring Flavors and Missed Marks

Now, let’s get into the nitty-gritty. The Chicken & Gizzard Barbecue wasn’t a personal hit for me. It lacked that marinated kick I was looking forward to. To be honest, it felt somewhat plain in the taste department.

MATAM-IH Clark, Pampanga: Inihaw

And then there’s the Turon – here’s where things got a bit puzzling. Traditionally, Turon should have that lovely coating of brown sugar, right? Well, this one seemed to have skipped that memo.

MATAM-IH Clark, Pampanga: Turon
As for the Halo-halo, I’ll put it simply: it was alright. It didn’t blow our minds or anything. It didn’t quite match the photo they had on display, but it was passable.

MATAM-IH Clark, Pampanga: Halo-halo

The Overpowering Note: Loud Music

Now, let’s address the not-so-great part of our experience – the music. Oh boy, was it loud! The songs were in the native language, presumably Kapampangan, but they left us utterly puzzled because we couldn’t understand a word. And truth be told, the volume was a tad overwhelming.

MATAM-IH Clark, Pampanga: Dining Area

We came to enjoy our meal, not to feel like we were at a Kapampangan music festival at 10:30 in the morning! It really did dampen our overall experience, unfortunately.

A Balanced Verdict

So, there you have it – an honest review of our time at MATAM-IH Clark, Pampanga. While I cannot attest if the dishes were cooked in the authentic Kapampangan way because I am not a Kapampangan myself, I can share that the food was okay but nothing out of the extraordinary.

The food had its hits and misses, the portion sizes were applause-worthy. However, the loud and unfamiliar music did dim the pleasure of our meal. If you’re up for a genuine Kapampangan culinary adventure with a mix of quirks, MATAM-IH is a spot to consider.

My Honest Take: Real Thoughts, No Outside Influence

I’d like to make it crystal clear that this post is entirely unpaid and uninfluenced by any external parties. I’m just an ordinary individual / blogger who has grown weary of reading overly exaggerated food reviews, only to end up feeling disappointed or regretful about spending my hard-earned money. It’s important to grasp that what I’m sharing here is solely rooted in my own genuine viewpoints and experiences.

I appreciate you taking the time to read my honest thoughts on this matter. Your engagement means a lot. If you’ve got something to share or add, please don’t hesitate to drop your comments below. Let’s keep the conversation going!

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Harsh Truth

Loving the wrong person is like playing chess with someone who's already rigged the game. It's time to flip the board.

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Harsh Truth

Loving the wrong person is like trying to drink from a poisoned well. The longer you sip, the more it infects your soul.

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