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Harsh Truth

Fake friends will applaud your downfall, rejoicing in your misery like vultures over a carcass.

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Harden Your WordPress Security with Salt Shaker · Kat&Beyond

Thousands – if not millions – experience security issues with their websites every day. With the sheer number of hackers interested in getting your personal data, protecting your site is a must. Because your log-in page is one of the first lines of defense against hackers, you should strengthen this page against them.

Long-term WordPress users can attest to the importance of a strong password and a guarded log-in page. WordPress is one of the most commonly used blogging platforms, so it’s a frequent target for online attacks. Fortunately, there are some ways that you can improve your page’s security.

Salt Shaker is a WP plug-in designed to harden your WordPress security by changing its salt keys. Here’s a quick breakdown of what it can do for your peace of mind.

What Are WordPress Salt Keys?

Salt keys are cryptographic elements that protect your data by “hashing” it. The salt keys encrypt the log-in password that you save in WordPress, so attackers can’t see your passwords in plaintext. They’re also used to sign your website’s cookies, so even if an online attacker takes over your cookies, they can’t access your site.

What Are WordPress Salt Keys?

However, changing salt keys isn’t easy. You’ll need to edit your WordPress core file. You can either copy and paste these keys one by one, or change the whole salt key section. If done incorrectly, your site may have functionality problems. But you can save time without compromising security by using a plugin to automate the job. Enter Salt Shaker – a simplified way to change all your WP salt keys.

Easy To Use And Set Up: The Perfect Plugin To Harden Your WordPress Security

Install and activate Salt Shaker for your WordPress site’s protection. Once it’s activated, you can use it to set a schedule to automatically change your salt keys.

The Salt Shaker plugin changes your keys daily, weekly, as well as monthly depending on your preference. You can also opt to change it immediately by selecting “change now” from the dropdown menu. Note that every time you change your salt keys, anyone logged into your WordPress site will automatically be logged out. Fret not, because it’s easy to log back in through the WordPress dashboard.

The Perfect Plugin To Harden Your WordPress Security

While daily changes are the most secure option, many users will get sufficient protection from the monthly change option. We recommend that you spring for daily salt key changes if your site isn’t open for registration and you want to maximize security.

Prevent Password Theft Through Salt Shaker

Storing log-in passwords in plaintext leaves your site vulnerable to hackers. Platforms give users and their sites protection by using salt keys. However, you can give your site an additional layer of protection by regularly changing these salt keys.

Instead of going through the hassle of changing the wp-config.php file, you can simply give Salt Shaker the job. Install this useful plugin, schedule your salt key updates, and breathe easily knowing that your site will be more challenging to crack.

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Harsh Truth

Loving the wrong person is like trying to catch a falling star—you'll only end up burned.

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Harsh Truth

Fake friends plant weeds in the garden of your life, choking the flowers of genuine relationships.

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There are 2,370 valuable comments on my blog so far. Many thanks!
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  • Archana: That's great news that you are doing well with your passive [...]
  • Marysa: Good for you finding success. I can relate to all the work [...]



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