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Harsh Truth

Beware of the fake friends who always have a hidden agenda beneath their sweet words.

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Journaling For Mental Health: How This Habit Can Help? · Kat&Beyond

Everyone should start better habits to improve their mental health and empower themselves. While rest is always a big part of self-care, few think about how important goal-setting can also be for our mental health. That’s something that occurred to me during the free virtual empowerment workshop I attended last March 25.

The event was organized by Blogapalooza in partnership with Viviamo. Our guest speaker that day was Darlyn Ty-Nilo, founder of Viviamo and the Belle De Jour Power Planner. I found her speech very impactful, and it made me think about how everyone should try journaling for mental health. Read on to learn more about my insights!

It’s Never Too Late To Start On Self-Improvement

During the workshop, Ms. Ty-Nilo mentioned how journaling can be helpful with goal-setting. I personally agree as well because I’ve found journaling useful for planning my week and monitoring progress. But some people may ask: isn’t it too late to get into the habit since we’re well into 2022?

It’s Never Too Late To Start On Self-Improvement

Honestly, it’s not! There are still three quarters left in the year for you to plan and write. Journaling for the rest of those months will go a long way in examining milestones and setting reminders. So, I totally encourage everyone else to give journaling a try even at this point in time.

Journaling Gives Better Control Over Your Time

Time management is key to reducing stress and improving mental health. Keeping a journal will help you with setting realistic goals and avoiding getting swamped by too much work. This is why it really resonated when Ms. Ty-Nilo said to us “Focus on what you can control.”

We only have so much energy and willpower in a day, but we often use it unwisely because we don’t know where to start. Keeping a journal helps me organize my tasks so I do them methodically, then I have time to chill out!

Journaling Gives Better Control Over Your Time

There’s lots of space in the Viviamo 2022 Navi Planner for your chores and to-do lists. But what I like most is that it also has inspirational prompts, priorities list, as well as special pages to harness your focus. These features will also go a long way towards helping you organize your life and improving your daily mindset!

Journaling for Mental Health – Start Healthier Habits With A Cool Planner

After that empowering workshop, I could see why other people should get the Navi Planner to start their journal journey. Its theme this year is “magnificent staircases around the world”. This simple visual idea inspires us to create a life we love and challenge ourselves to greater heights.

Apart from the push to explore the world and take better care of ourselves, I like the journal’s design! Each one also includes a nifty coupon booklet with great discounts from different establishments.

Start Healthier Habits With A Cool Planner

Try journaling with the Navi Planner to help you tackle big goals this year. The results may surprise you and motivate you to start making journaling a daily habit!

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Harsh Truth

Beware of the fake friends who play the victim while stabbing you in the back.

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There are 2,369 valuable comments on my blog so far. Many thanks!
  • Jenny: Earning a passive income is a great goal to have, hopefully [...]
  • Archana: That's great news that you are doing well with your passive [...]
  • Marysa: Good for you finding success. I can relate to all the work [...]
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Harsh Truth

A fake friend will be your shadow on a sunny day but vanish when the storm clouds gather.

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There are 2,369 valuable comments on my blog so far. Many thanks!
  • Jenny: Earning a passive income is a great goal to have, hopefully [...]
  • Archana: That's great news that you are doing well with your passive [...]
  • Marysa: Good for you finding success. I can relate to all the work [...]



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