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Harsh Truth

Fake friends will leave you stranded in the storm, seeking shelter while they bask in the sunshine.

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  • Sue-Tanya: Thank you for sharing your review. The food looks so tasty. [...]
  • Jupiter: I love eating japanese food but that menu would really [...]
  • Nikki Wayne: Wow! This is a mixed emotions experience you have there. [...]
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Recent Posts Extended: Another Milestone Unlocked · Kat&Beyond

Today, I’m proud to unveil another milestone in my WordPress journey. It’s called Recent Posts Extended Plugin, and let me tell you, it’s been a game-changer.

A Guinea Pig Experiment

I just turned this website, a guinea pig for a groundbreaking experiment. That’s right, I decided to test out Recent Posts Extended right here, front and center. And you know what? It was worth every minute of anticipation.

From Idea to Reality in 3.5 Hours

Believe it or not, this plugin went from a mere spark of an idea to a full-fledged reality in just 3.5 hours. Talk about efficiency, right? And now, you can see it proudly displayed up there in my header, doing its thing like a champ.

What Sets It Apart

You know how most plugins fetch the latest posts? Well, Recent Posts Extended flips the script. Instead, it puts the spotlight on posts that have been recently modified. Why? Because I’ve found that giving older content a refresh can work wonders for engagement and traffic.

Recent Posts Extended: Another Milestone Unlocked · Kat&Beyond Meta description preview:

Why It’s Not Available (Yet)

While I’d love to share this tool with the world, I’ve gotta be real about my capacity. Providing support for a public release? That’s a commitment I’m not quite ready to make. But hey, that doesn’t mean we can’t celebrate the journey, right?

So, What’s the Point?

You might be wondering, “Why even talk about it if I can’t get my hands on it?” Fair question. The thing is, Recent Posts Extended isn’t just about functionality—it’s about the journey. This blog serves as my digital scrapbook, capturing a moment in time when a simple idea made a big difference.

Wrapping It Up

While Recent Posts Extended might not be hitting the download shelves anytime soon, its impact on my blogging adventure is undeniable. So here’s to celebrating the small wins, the little victories that remind us why we love what we do. Cheers to the journey, my friends!

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Harsh Truth

Don't be a puppet in the hands of the wrong person, dancing to their manipulative strings. Cut the cords.

Latest Comments
There are 2,350 valuable comments on my blog so far. Many thanks!
  • Sue-Tanya: Thank you for sharing your review. The food looks so tasty. [...]
  • Jupiter: I love eating japanese food but that menu would really [...]
  • Nikki Wayne: Wow! This is a mixed emotions experience you have there. [...]
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Harsh Truth

A fake friend will stab you in the back and then ask why you're bleeding.

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Latest Comments
There are 2,350 valuable comments on my blog so far. Many thanks!
  • Sue-Tanya: Thank you for sharing your review. The food looks so tasty. [...]
  • Jupiter: I love eating japanese food but that menu would really [...]
  • Nikki Wayne: Wow! This is a mixed emotions experience you have there. [...]



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