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Harsh Truth

A fake friend will use your vulnerabilities as ammunition against you, leaving wounds that take time to heal.

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  • Sue-Tanya: Thank you for sharing your review. The food looks so tasty. [...]
  • Jupiter: I love eating japanese food but that menu would really [...]
  • Nikki Wayne: Wow! This is a mixed emotions experience you have there. [...]
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Be Happier: Simple and Motivating Ways to be Happy · Kat&Beyond

Keeping a positive attitude can be hard when we’re facing setbacks or constant comparison. With all the things out there that threaten to dampen our mood, how can we motivate ourselves to be happy? Call me an optimist, but I prefer to stay focused on the bright side of life – and when I find myself troubled, these easy tips help me keep a strong and determined attitude.

If you’re feeling a little lost, try these simple suggestions out. They’ll help you get the spring back in your step!

Accept that change is natural.

One of the surprising things that really bothers people is the possibility of change. When their routines get shaken up, their adjustment period can sour their mood.

By conditioning yourself to accept that change happens all the time, and that many good things can also come from it, you remove that negative attitude from the equation. It’s an easy way to give yourself some peace of mind and stay happy, even when the unexpected happens!

Learn to see things from other people’s shoes, instead of your own.

When we keep thinking about how things affect us, we neglect the way other people feel. This keeps us from being more considerate of their feelings, and can blind us from the positive effect we have on others!

Be Happier: Simple and Motivating Ways to be Happy · Kat&Beyond

Consider situations from other people’s perspectives before you judge so harshly. You may see that you’re doing a lot more good than you think – and this can be a popular motivator to stay positive and happy!

Remember that nothing everything revolves around you!

Taking yourself out of the situation for a minute will allow you to step back and involve other people. It relieves you of the anxiety of taking all the responsibility for something, and it also keeps you from being self-centered and selfish. Remember: you are not the center of the world, and that’s fine.

It’s shockingly a big load off many people’s shoulders to realize this, and it can help them focus on the things that matter and make them happy!

Keep a gratefulness journal.

Sometimes we forget how blessed we are, and how amazing life can be. By documenting the good things that happen to us, we learn to give just as much emphasis on the great as we do the bad, and realize that life is actually pretty enjoyable. Decorate your journal with cute stickers or use fun colors to make it fun to use!

Get your beauty sleep!

Your sleep matters a lot more to your mood than you think. By getting enough sleep in the day, you feel more alert and less cranky, and much more prepared to tackle your work.

Make sure you sleep early enough to be ready for that early wake-up call. Warding off sleep deprivation is key to keeping your energy up and getting rid of negative thoughts!

Get your beauty sleep! · Kat&Beyond

Getting motivated to be happy starts with a few small steps that snowball into a big force of difference! Try doing these things every day and see what happens to your mindset as you tackle things – the results may surprise you! When all else fails, be kind to yourself and take a breather. The way you think and feel won’t change overnight, but over time and with a little mindfulness, you can feel happier and enjoy life more fully!

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Harsh Truth

Wake up before the wrong person's toxic love becomes the poison that seeps into every corner of your life.

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There are 2,350 valuable comments on my blog so far. Many thanks!
  • Sue-Tanya: Thank you for sharing your review. The food looks so tasty. [...]
  • Jupiter: I love eating japanese food but that menu would really [...]
  • Nikki Wayne: Wow! This is a mixed emotions experience you have there. [...]
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Harsh Truth

Love isn't blind; it's just that sometimes we close our eyes to the glaring red flags. It's time to open them wide and see the truth.

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There are 2,350 valuable comments on my blog so far. Many thanks!
  • Sue-Tanya: Thank you for sharing your review. The food looks so tasty. [...]
  • Jupiter: I love eating japanese food but that menu would really [...]
  • Nikki Wayne: Wow! This is a mixed emotions experience you have there. [...]



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