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Harsh Truth

A fake friend will judge you based on your mistakes, but conveniently ignore your growth.

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Zoocobia Fun Zoo, Paradise Ranch · Kat&Beyond

Zoocobia Fun Zoo is an interactive mini zoo located at Paradise Ranch, Pampanga – Sitio Moncayo, northwest of Sacobia River.

During pandemic, kids are the ones who suffered the most. As they grow, it is mandatory for them to explore. It is a fundamental part of development academically as well as in everyday life.

Since March 2020, all parents were suddenly forced to take care of their children full time while working at the same time. On top of that, parents became teachers overnight! Imagine the burnout?!

Personally, i didn’t know any family who didn’t struggle. So, the moment that the government allow kids aged 5 and above outdoors in GCQ, MGCQ areas, a lot of parents are looking for a perfect family destination.

Zoocobia Fun Zoo · Kat&Beyond

My recommendation, Zoocobia Fun Zoo! It’s an outdoor tourist site as defined by Department of Tourism. A completely educational and fun experience, especially for your kids. Also, the entrance fee is so affordable! Only ₱150.00 per person and kids 3 feet below can enter for free!

Before Entering Zoocobia Fun Zoo

Make sure that you’re wearing your mask, bring your face shields, alcohol, bug patches, towels, extra shirt if needed and water bottles. Kids must be supervised by adults at all times. Practice social distancing.

Fun Things to do at Zoocobia

Animal Feeding – You can buy a set of animal feed for ₱100.00. The care takers will approach and assist you as you hike the entire zoo. This is a must purchase right at the entrance.

Zoocobia Bird Thrill · Kat&Beyond

Parakeet Feeding – We arrived at around lunch time, we weren’t able to enter the Bird Thrill hut. Probably, the care taker was out on a lunch break. This is not my first time at Zoocobia tho. I remember  how much fun and amazing experience it was. The hut is full of friendly parakeets. They are willingly eat off your palms and it was quite an experience.

Zoocobia Birds of Paradise · Kat&Beyond

Zoocobia Birds of Paradise Eagle · Kat&Beyond

Birds of Paradise – Inside, you will different kinds of birds. At that time, most were caged.

What caught my attention is this eagle right here. I have never been up-close with one! Being an animal lover, I was so tempted to pet it.

They also have  Philippine Eagle Owl that’s considered as one of the endangered species.

Philippine Eagle Owl is one of the largest owls in the world, with a wingspan of about about 48″.

After Birds of Paradise,  there’s the Ostrich and Bearcat feeding. The care taker will assist you by helping you put on a thick glove. This will allow you to feed the ostrich by hand.

As for the Bearcat,  you will be provided  a stick with a small banana on the other end. They’re on fruit diet and they will surely reach for it. Also, just for an additional ₱50.00 you can have your photo taken with the Bearcat using your own device. Yes, the animal will be placed on your shoulders which Iwas too scared to do.

The Barn

This is where you and the kids will enjoy the Farm Animal feeding. I was shocked that The Barn is clean and has no foul smell. Given that there are more than 6 farm animals in there.

Zoocobia Barn · Kat&Beyond

Inside, kids can feed Donkeys, a Horse, Ponies (which kids can can also ride), Wagyu, Pigs and some other farm animals.

Also, If I am not mistaken I think I saw a snake having photo shoot with a whole family.

Lastly,  a Camel! Call me weird… but for some reason, i find Camels really cute.

Even though all the animals were friendly & the area is well attended by the staffs, kids needs parental supervision to avoid any accidents.

Zoocobia Camel · Kat&Beyond

Right outside The Barn a Camel and Horse ride available. It’s an assisted and guided ride so, there is nothing to worry about.  It’s worth a try.

Zooc Gravity Car – Ride the gravity car that will zoom down the 400 meters track. It doesn’t have an engine. Your body weight will help accelerate the car as you ride down the entire path to finish line. No worries, it has a brake and you can slow it down on those sharp curve. 

Zooc Gravity Car · Kat&Beyond

Overall Zoocobia Experience

Zoocobia is a a fun family destination. A two hour drive from Quezon Avenue using Skyway, down to NLEX and then SCTEX. 

Kids will sure enjoy all the activities. The Zooc  also has Instagram worthy background especially inside the Zooc Garden Maze. No filter needed! Great for family photos!

Overall, it’s a great way to unwind and have some fun with the whole family. Also, this will surely help kids burn their energy in an interesting, fun and educational way!

Mind you, do not expect too much. It wasn’t like how it was before. Understand that all establishments are still recovering from the Pandemic. They’re in the process and hopefully everything will be better soon.

What’s important is that this kid friendly outdoor tourist site is now finally open for us to visit, enjoy fresh air and go on a mini hike with the entire family.

Zoocobia Aetas · Kat&Beyond

Lastly, support Aetas buy buying even just 1 item. They’re selling different kinds of organic fruits and vegetables right outside Zoocobia.

Zoocobia Plants for Sale · Kat&Beyond

These pretty young ladies were selling succulents by the entrance inside the establishment. I was shocked how cheap the plants were compared to the city price.

These 3 succulents caught my attention. I’m no green thumb hope i wont water them to death.

What are you waiting for? Embark on a zoo adventure like no other and let the animal lover in you rejoice with an exhilarating day tour at Zoocobia Fun Zoo.
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Harsh Truth

Beware of the fake friends who will be your cheerleaders in your face and critics behind your back.

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  • Kat: That’s a great point! Blogs offer depth and longevity [...]
  • Kat: Absolutely! Having both gives people more ways to engage [...]
  • Kat: That’s true! Adapting to changes is key to keeping a blog [...]
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Harsh Truth

A fake friend's presence is toxic, like breathing in polluted air—it slowly poisons your well-being.

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There are 2,716 valuable comments on my blog so far. Many thanks!
  • Kat: That’s a great point! Blogs offer depth and longevity [...]
  • Kat: Absolutely! Having both gives people more ways to engage [...]
  • Kat: That’s true! Adapting to changes is key to keeping a blog [...]



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