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Harsh Truth

A fake friend's loyalty is as genuine as a mirage in the desert—it vanishes as you get closer.

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Google Search Discover · Kat&Beyond

I started this blog 21 JUL 21. That is 14 months 3 weeks today to be exact and I only learned about Google Discover last month. Well… I know what it is but it never crossed my mind “how to be on Google Discover?” Because, as far as I know Google only features high ranking and high traffic blog and websites. Turns out, I am wrong.

I nearly gave up my blog because of my hectic schedule. I had trouble juggling things around. I really wanted to take a short break.  Then, I had a little bit of  free time so I decided to check this blog’s performance on my Google Search Console account. I noticed an unfamiliar link – * Discover. Apparently, some of my content started showing August 24, 2022. Something, or someone out there in the universe is trying to tell me “hey! you didn’t worked so hard for this blog / website just to give up?!”

How Have My Posts Fared?

As of writing, Google Discover features some of my posts with a total of 800 impressions and over 147 clicks with average CTR of 15.3%. However, checking “Performance On Discover” under Google Analytics only shows a graph for me.

Google Search Discover Impressions · Kat&Beyond

The rest is still blank: the top pages, clicks, and impressions tables. I suspect that this is because my usage is really new and needs time to generate! I am totally keen on finding out which of my post(s) made it to Google Discover.

Post Features May Be Due To Searches

Check Google Discover for features of your blog posts. This means Google finds your posts relevant enough to people looking for certain keywords that are related to their topics. Notice any increase in site traffic because of this feature, especially if they click on your internal link.

Google Discover Doesn’t “List” Your Site

Yes! Google doesn’t “list” your site, but it features it for 3 to 4 days depending on click-through rate. Every person has a different Google Discover feed. When they open the Google App or the mobile Chrome browser, they may see featured articles despite not searching. This is the Google Discover feed, and their interests and search history can customize results.

To be honest, I don’t know how this happen or how did I make it there. I know the stats aren’t as high compared to the other blogs out there… But hey! its a big win for me and I am celebrating it – this is another milestone for Kat&Beyond.

I will definitely update this post once I see some additional stats and information on my Google Search Console account.

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Harsh Truth

A fake friend will make you question your worth while pretending to be your confidant.

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There are 2,369 valuable comments on my blog so far. Many thanks!
  • Jenny: Earning a passive income is a great goal to have, hopefully [...]
  • Archana: That's great news that you are doing well with your passive [...]
  • Marysa: Good for you finding success. I can relate to all the work [...]
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Harsh Truth

Beware of the fake friends who only come around when they need a favor, but vanish when you need their help.

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There are 2,369 valuable comments on my blog so far. Many thanks!
  • Jenny: Earning a passive income is a great goal to have, hopefully [...]
  • Archana: That's great news that you are doing well with your passive [...]
  • Marysa: Good for you finding success. I can relate to all the work [...]



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