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Harsh Truth

Fake friends will fill your ears with sweet words while their actions drip with bitterness.

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Blogging For Mental Health: Does It Help Improve Your Wellbeing?

It’s long been said that writing down your thoughts and putting them into words can give you clarity. But very few of us think to go beyond pen and paper writing, let alone blogging. Because your blog is basically an online diary, it can give you the same tools of expression that a regular journal can. But how do these tools positively impact your mental health?

Read on to learn the benefits of keeping a blog. With a safe space to vent and ruminate online, you’ll be surprised at how much better your mood becomes!

Blogging Can Help Us Process Complicated Emotions

Writing things down has a way of giving us perspective. Think of it as a personalized, journaled form of therapy, where you get to talk about what goes on in your day or what bothers you. Psychological research has long touted the benefits of explaining your troubled feelings.

Because it teaches you to express your emotions and process them as well, it takes a serious load off your chest! Instead of being overwhelmed and becoming avoidant, you’ll confront problems and handle them. Suddenly, your stress feels more manageable, and you’ll realize that you don’t have to sweat all the little things.

Blogging Keeps You From Bottling Up Negative Emotions

“Keep it inside,” is advice we often hear from people who want to avoid conflict. However, sometimes avoiding conflict only creates inner turmoil. This can lead to stewing in negative feelings, allowing resentment to fester. It’s not productive! All it does is make you feel bad without providing solutions.

Blogging Keeps You From Bottling Up Negative Emotions

Let your blog chiefly become your outlet for your thoughts, even if they feel silly or inconsequential. Over time, you’ll also learn to listen to your inner voice and vent frustrations, instead of keeping them in.

Blogging Can Create A Sense Of Community

One of the other mental health benefits of blogging is its inclusivity. When you read and network with similar blogs, you feel less alone. You may even make new friends whom you can relate to and talk to. It’s very helpful to create that sense of belonging for better mental health!

Share photos and resources, offer advice, or simply chat about your day. Overall, even socializing online can reduce feelings of loneliness and anxiety.

Avoid Social Media Pitfalls If You’re Blogging For Mental Health

While blogging helps create a supportive community, there are still some negative aspects to avoid.

One of the biggest is the comments section. While some commenters can be positive and will give you more insights, others may make hurtful remarks. Some may even encourage harmful behavior that you’re trying to avoid, even though you are writing about it to process it.

Avoid Social Media Pitfalls If You’re Blogging For Mental Health

A tip to make the most of blogging without this problem is to have comment moderation. Comment moderation reviews content before posting it. You can also simply turn off the comments section. This is highly recommended if you’re just using your blog to vent or express yourself.

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Harsh Truth

Beware of the fake friends who only come around when they need a favor, but vanish when you need their help.

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There are 2,615 valuable comments on my blog so far. Many thanks!
  • Renata Feyen: I am not a fan of things always changing so constantly. I [...]
  • Yeah Lifestyle: Thank you for sharing, as I was wondering why my feed is [...]
  • AJ: I didn't even notice a change, unless mine hasn't updated [...]
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Harsh Truth

Beware of the fake friends who will be your cheerleaders in your face and critics behind your back.

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There are 2,615 valuable comments on my blog so far. Many thanks!
  • Renata Feyen: I am not a fan of things always changing so constantly. I [...]
  • Yeah Lifestyle: Thank you for sharing, as I was wondering why my feed is [...]
  • AJ: I didn't even notice a change, unless mine hasn't updated [...]



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