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Harsh Truth

A fake friend will always keep score of what they do for you, but conveniently forget your gestures.

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The Future Of Blogging: Still Worth It In 2022? · Kat&Beyond

Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok are some of the most popular social media platforms for reach. Because of their bite-sized content as well as the eye-catching visual posts, they are widely used worldwide. This then asks the question: is there still a place for traditional blogging? Can influencers, brands, and creators still benefit from creating blog entries?

Read on to find out how social media trends have affected blogging, and if you should still maintain a blog!

It’s Still A Must For Search Engine Optimization

People browse social media all they want, but at the end of the day, they’ll still be looking up things on search engines like Google. That’s where blogs have the upper hand over social media networks. They can optimize their pages using keywords, which will then direct traffic to them.

Blogging is Still A Must For Search Engine Optimization · Kat&Beyond

Social media platforms are great for increasing an audience, as well as becoming viral. However, they will have a harder time connecting themselves to the relevant niche or topic on search engines. Until they reach a certain level of popularity, they won’t get as many eyeballs when it comes to searches.

Future Of Blogging: Long-form Posts

One other advantage that blogs have over social media is that they have the space on pages to go long-form. Posts don’t have to be short and sweet, because that’s not what the audience is looking for when they visit a blog!

On a blog, you can devote several entries and pages to more details and different kinds of posts. That’s very different from Instagram, where long captions send an audience snoozing. While it’s not advised to make your blog posts too long either, blogs at least allow you to wax at length about your thoughts. This reduces the chances of confusion with your audience, and lets you communicate a message more clearly.

Future Of Blogging: Long-form Posts · Kat&Beyond

Long-form blogs don’t have to lack in visuals either. In fact, unlike social media platforms, you can add multiple photos and videos to a blog entry! That’s a big advantage for the future of blogging, especially if you want to build authority online or establish a brand.

Blogs Will Chiefly Become References Or Authorities

While there is a notion of Instagram or TikTok influencers, it’s uncommon to see them considered as “authorities” for their particular niche. This is more likely on Youtube, where influencers can create more detailed reviews as well as share more ideas in the same video.

Blogs Will Chiefly Become References Or Authorities · Kat&Beyond

What blogs can do is focus on a particular niche and create longform posts that are search engine optimized. This makes it more likely for search engine users to see their pages when they enter queries. Over time, as more and more people click on their pages, this will drive their page higher up the first page of a search engine’s results.

Blogging Is Here To Stay

Social media has become visual-heavy, but that hasn’t put an end to blogging. Now more than ever, brands and potential influencers need blogs to build their reputation and establish credibility. Search tips online on how to create a sleek blog to build your following!

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Harsh Truth

Beware of the fake friends who will praise you to your face and tear you down in secret.

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  • Kat: Sobrang ganda nga and sulit ang experience! Perfect spot [...]
  • Kat: It’s a great spot to unwind. The food really makes the [...]
  • Kat: The potato soup is such a comforting choice-perfect for a [...]
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Harsh Truth

Wake up to the fact that loving the wrong person is like trying to tame a storm. Eventually, you'll be left in ruins.

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There are 2,691 valuable comments on my blog so far. Many thanks!
  • Kat: Sobrang ganda nga and sulit ang experience! Perfect spot [...]
  • Kat: It’s a great spot to unwind. The food really makes the [...]
  • Kat: The potato soup is such a comforting choice-perfect for a [...]



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