Getting all the things you need to be done finished in a day is a lot easier than it sounds. Many people start the day determined to accomplish a lot of things, only to get distracted and lose sight of what they were supposed to do. This makes it difficult to progress towards larger goals, or even to feel like you maximize your time.
A day planner may be just the thing you need to get your hours in order. If you’re struggling with having a productive day, here are my suggestions for how you can use one to improve your workflow. Boring, I know – but maximizing your efficiency is really the key to achieving all your big steps!
Set aside specific times
Everyone writes tasks in their daily journals, but that’s not a strong enough commitment! Actively set aside a listed hour for starting on something you’re supposed to do. That way, the first thing you will see in your planner is that specific time – and it will get set in your mind that you should be getting to this.
It will also keep you from scheduling conflicting events or tasks around this hour, so your chances of finishing it successfully will be much higher!
Make it a point to list everything on it
The more information there is in your planner, the more likely you are to consult it – and to pay attention to your to-do list if it’s there. Use your planner for listing your budget items, scheduling appointments, or writing down your grocery go-tos. This also increases the likelihood that you will write down related notes on it – and that you won’t forget them.
Take your day planner everywhere
This is why it’s important to have a flexible planner – sometimes, just in printable sheets, if you must. We all find ourselves looking for a stray piece of paper to write down important information, or to note a crucial phone number. Let your planner do that, so you don’t end up forgetting it.
Visualize your broader goal in your day planner
Set a goal for the month and write that down in your day planner, so it inspires you for what you should be accomplishing every week. Are you trying to learn a new language, or to improve your self-esteem? Write it – in bold, stylized lettering, if you want to emphasize the point.
This will help you keep a focal point for your daily to-dos, and serve as a good nudge if you feel lazy about getting to them!
Make a designated task section
Every planner has a blank area where you can write whatever you like. This is easy if you’re listing things that need to be done today. But for the things that don’t have a fixed due date, keep a task section. Jot them down there. This will prevent them from being forgotten, and help you accomplish any necessary small tasks within the week that will help them happen!
Personalized Digital Day Planner Pages
I recently got my iPad Mini 6 and I am keen to get organized even more. So, i designed my own digital planner pages according to my needs. This way I will be able to align, track my daily progress and get things done.
I made it CMYK format so it will be also printer friendly. But currently, I am going to test it using Good Notes 5 IOS App (screenshot above) before I make it available for download.
Keeping a day planner may seem silly for a lot of people. To me, it’s a great way to remind yourself to finish your daily / weekly accomplishments. It will also gradually help you work towards larger goals!
These five tips are simple ideas that will help you maximize your time and productivity. Use printable to-do planning sheets or day planner pages. Apply these tips and see the big difference in your work synergy!