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Harsh Truth

A fake friend will use your vulnerabilities as ammunition against you, leaving wounds that take time to heal.

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5 Quick and Simple Strategies for Sticking To Your Goals · Kat&Beyond

When you’re trying to motivate yourself to get past the finish line, you may find yourself discouraged for different reasons. Maybe the end just seems so far away, or you’re not making progress as quickly as you’d like. If you’re looking for ways to keep that fire alive and accomplish your goals, read on! I have five tips that I follow when I’m having trouble keeping motivated – these always do the trick!

Set Realistic Expectations To Keep It Manageable

There’s an oft-repeated maxim that goes: shoot for the moon, so in case you miss, you still hit the stars. However, I completely disagree with this. By immediately targeting one big goal, you may be making the mistake of biting off more than you can chew – so when you fail, you think that it’s because you’re not good enough and you get discouraged from pushing forward.

Set Realistic Expectations To Keep It Manageable · Kat&Beyond

Honestly assess how much time you have in a day, and what you can accomplish with what you know now, then set your goals. Breaking it down into simpler, more realistic goalposts will allow you to make visible progress.

Create An Accountability Group

It can be tempting to let your progress go to waste when you’re presented with the chance to relax. Don’t give yourself that easy option – find a way to call yourself out! The best way to ensure that you are motivated into sticking to your goals is to feel accountable to other people. Make a small group with friends who are also pursuing their own goals, and report to each other every day or week about what you plan to do, and how much you’ve accomplished to get there.

Give Yourself Breaks

Be realistic when it comes to sticking to your goals: no one can commit every single day to tackle their goals. Think of a rest day as a time to recharge and regroup, allowing yourself a restorative period before you go back to the days ahead.


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It’s a good way to keep yourself from getting burned out, and it functions as a sort of “cheat day” where you can treat yourself without feeling guilty!

Keep A Journal To See How Far You’ve Come

Sometimes we forget just how much we’ve already succeeded at because there are so many challenges still ahead. Remind yourself of your victories and look back from where you’ve started with a progress journal. Record what you do in a day, if you’ve successfully tackled a new task, and what your next goal is.

Make it fun and colorful with inspiring images and drawings. By giving yourself a way to remember, you can forge your determination anew!

You Need To Believe You Can Do It

Instead of constantly going back to your self-doubt, just don’t back down and tell yourself you will do it. No room for hesitation! This kind of mindset makes you focus on having self-control and willpower to accomplish your goals, even with the constant temptation to give up. Strengthen your resolve this way, and you’re more likely to see it all through.

Sticking to your goals is easier said than done. You need to take concrete steps that acknowledge your limitations without using them as excuses, and yet more steps to give yourself the drive to finish it all.

You Need To Believe You Can Do It · Kat&Beyond

Yet doing this can enrich your life, teach you new skills, and make you a stronger and more confident person. Implement these five tips into your day when you feel yourself wavering – they’ll give you the boost you need!

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Harsh Truth

Fake friends will fill your ears with sweet words while their actions drip with bitterness.

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There are 2,370 valuable comments on my blog so far. Many thanks!
  • Jenny: Earning a passive income is a great goal to have, hopefully [...]
  • Archana: That's great news that you are doing well with your passive [...]
  • Marysa: Good for you finding success. I can relate to all the work [...]
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Harsh Truth

Fake friends will applaud your downfall, rejoicing in your misery like vultures over a carcass.

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There are 2,370 valuable comments on my blog so far. Many thanks!
  • Jenny: Earning a passive income is a great goal to have, hopefully [...]
  • Archana: That's great news that you are doing well with your passive [...]
  • Marysa: Good for you finding success. I can relate to all the work [...]



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